Tag it Thursdays: I occasionally get tagged by fellow bloggers to complete various tags. Twice a month (or so) I will post my response. Please, feel free to tag yourself if any of these tags interest you!
This month’s tag:
Bath and Body Works Tag
I was tagged by Summer @ XingSings wayyyy back in August–thank you Summer! The tag was originally created by Analee @ Book Snacks–who states that she really loves Bath and Body Works. I myself don’t really shop there all that much–I find the store to be really smelly, not in a bad way, just in a way that makes me have to blow my nose every 5 seconds. They do have some really great products though and some crazy deals every once and a while too! Maybe I should make an effort to buy my hand soap there….
Pure Paradise: A book that was simply perfection
This one was really tough! At first I was going to pick a book that I read this year but then decided to go with a classic. The Perks of Being a Wallflower is one of my all time favourite books. I think I felt every emotion reading that book. And I can’t forget to mention the absolute perfection that is the movie adaption! It might not have followed the book exactly in terms of plot but it was so on point with the themes and the characters that I was really impressed!
Sweet Pea: A romance/contemporary novel that you really enjoyed
YA Contemporary is just not my thing. This year I’ve tried to jump on that train but have failed every time… until I read The Heartbreakers! This book was exactly what I needed after a reading slump! The romance was adorable, the drama was delivered perfectly and the characters had great development. It was just fantastic and I can’t wait to read more in this series!
Fresh Strawberries: A book you really enjoyed that came out this year
I’ve never read a Western novel before (I think Dmitri from Vampire Academy reads them all the time though right?), but Vengeance Road makes me want to read every single book and watch 5 Western movies! I’ve read a lot of great books this year but this one really stands out for me with its different plot line and strong female lead. Plus, look at that cover!
Warm Vanilla Sugar: A character and/or book that made you feel all warm and smiley.
I have an official list of book boyfriends on my Riffle account, but my most recent addition to that list is Oz from Nowhere but Here. He just had that right combination of being a bad boy and being a total sweetheart at the same time. Talk about swoon-worthy!
As for a warm book: The Heartbreakers is the most recent one I think.
Paris Amour: A couple you majorly ship together
It’s just pure coincidence that there is an Eiffle Tower on this cover! I literally just picked the last couple I added to my fav couple list on Goodreads and it was Sophia & René from Rook. They were just a couple that I wanted to get together as soon as I met them.
If you want to know about the couples I rooted for but alas they weren’t destined to be, check out this Top Ten Tuesday Post.
I <3
Cake Books: Favorite book/character
I saw this and immediately thought “favourite heroine” and that would be June from the Legend Trilogy. She is such a strong, intelligent female character and I simply loved that. It had been a long time I found a lead heroine that I could really respect and root for before I read Legend and I was just really impressed with her character.
My fav book series is Vampire Academy with the kickass Rose.
Winter Candy Apple: A book set around Christmas or during winter.
Gulp! I panicked on this one! I don’t think I read very many wintery books so I just picked the first one I saw with snow on the cover. And Frigid was it! I think this takes place on Christmas break or maybe it’s Spring Break? Regardless, it snows a lot in this book!
I suppose Kiss of Frost also would have worked!
Beautiful Day: A book with an unusual/interesting/appealing setting
For some reason, Imperial Russia really intrigues me! From the politics to the outfits, it seems like a very interesting time period to have lived in. That’s part of the reason why I adore the Katerina Trilogy. While I wouldn’t want to live in that time period forever (just read Anna Karenina and you’ll get my gist), I think it would be fun to attend a royal ball or a ballet.
Dazzling Diamonds: Gorgeous cover(s)
Of the books I’ve read this year, these are my fav covers so far!
Thanks again Summer! This one was a lot of fun–and a great distraction from doing homework!
Feel free to tag yourself!
Great answers!! I completely agree with you about The Perks, it’s such a perfect book, and the movie adaptation is probably one of the most perfect book to movie adaptation, if you ask me 🙂
It’s so good! I never been so impressed with a movie adaptation before I saw that one!
Haha, I’ve never read a western novel either, but yes, Dimitri from VA loves them! And I love the pretty covers you chose; though the only one I’ve read is ADSoM. However, I do want to read The Winner’s Curse soon. 🙂
I hope you enjoy The Winner’s Curse. It’s definitely one of my favourites this year!