Category «Site»

Still Here!

It has been a long time since I posted anything. In fact, it has been even longer since I logged into my blog to check up on it! I don’t think I’ve spent this much time away from it except in my first year when I took a brief hiatus for university. But, I’m still …

Monthly Inventory: October 2020

Monthly Inventory: October 2020

October 2020 Yikes! I was not feeling the reading (or blogging) this month. I don’t think I’ve ever been in a reading slump like this were I have zero interest in reading. Usually my slumps consist of lower rating books or lots of DNFs, but I’m always trying to find the book that will rejuvenate …

Monthly Inventory: September 2020

Monthly Inventory: September 2020

September 2020 Like most months lately: where does the time go? I feel like it was just the start of the month and here we are at the end of it! The plan for this month was to catch up on some ARCs and get some sequels down since I always dub this month “Sequel …

Monthly Inventory: March 2020

Monthly Inventory: March 2020

March 2020 Given the current state of the world right now it almost feels trivial to recap my reading for the month. But as someone who works in healthcare right now, it’s nice to have a distraction from everything right now. Before my city declared a State of Emergency, they announced that the library would …

Monthly Inventory: May 2019

Monthly Inventory: May 2019

May 2019 I made lots of changes when it comes to my reading and blogging this month…and it feels pretty great! Here are some of the big changes I made: I am no longer participating in blog tours I unsubscribed from (nearly) all my mailing lists — more in my State of the ARC section …

Site Update: 4th Blog Anniversary?!?!

Site Update: 4th Blog Anniversary?!?!

OK, that’s a super cheesy quote but it totally works! Blogging–while an individual task–is really all about the community. It’s a system of give and take and that’s what makes it such a beautiful thing. I wouldn’t be here 4 years later if it wasn’t for you! I’m pretty notorious for dropping my hobbies after …

Monthly Inventory: March 2017

Monthly Inventory: March 2017

March 2017 This month has been absolute BANANAS! So little reading, so little blogging and so much work! See, I started my new job this month and even though I will only be working part-time, I have 6 weeks of full time training to complete. Add to that a 2 hour daily commute: it’s been quite …

Monthly Inventory: February 2017

Monthly Inventory: February 2017

February 2017 Last month, I decided to bring back this feature as a monthly post. I’ve updated a lot of what I used to put in these recaps so I hope you enjoy it! February saw the end of my career as a Full-Time Student! It’s been 6.5 long years and I can’t wait to …

Monthly Inventory: January 2017

Monthly Inventory: January 2017

January 2017 It’s BACK! Last year, I tried doing quarterly recaps for the year instead of monthly, citing that monthly recaps took up a lot of my time to format (and I wasn’t sure if people enjoyed reading them). But this year, a lot of my posts have been scheduled months in advance and I …