For me, 2020 was a year of lows and highs when it came to my reading.
I think for many people 2020 was a challenging year in all aspects of life. As I look back at my Reading Plan for 2020, I wish I could go back and say: “oh you naive girl, wait until you see what the year brings in 3 short months”.
My reading was all over the place. Sometimes I’d be into, other times I wouldn’t pick up a book for days. I fell into a major reading slump in September and am still in a funk as I write this in December.
Compiling this list to remember the highlights of the year was a nice reminder that not everything about this year was crappy. And it has inspired me a bit to pick up a book and bring reading back into my regular daily routine. (You can read all about my 2021 Reading Plan in the new year).
> > Check out which books I read this past year HERE!
As always, I’ve decided to compile a list of my top picks (and not so great) from the various categories that I read this past year. Most categories deal with books published only this past calendar year (2020) but there are some noted exceptions. Click on the cover to read my review of the book/series–if available! Lots of these won’t have reviews until early next year.
Without further ado:
(Books are in no particular order; click on cover for review if available)

– Favourite Adult Non-Contemporary Series read in 2020 –

whoo yes love all the stats and see so many good books in one place. Happy new year!