I am a firm believer that if you aren’t enjoying a book, you should be able to DNF it and not feel guilty about that decision. You aren’t going to enjoy every book you pick (even though we all want to) and there is not shame in that.
I also like to review my DNFs. Some of the most helpful reviews I come across are ones for DNF reads. Now some reviews are just trashing the novel but the ones that look at it critically give me a better idea of what I can expect and help me anticipate if I will enjoy the book or not.
>> SERIESous Discussion: DNFing ARCs
Since 2018, I’ve made it part of my annual-yearly-recap to do a posting blitz of all the books I DNF’d for one reason or another. I think it’s just a great way to wrap up my year of reading.
What Reviews are on the Way?
Interestingly enough, I actually didn’t DNF as many books as I usually do. I have some “unfinished” reads but they are books I plan on finishing in the near future. I just didn’t finish them because life got in the way, not that I wasn’t enjoying them.
As I write this post (November 27, 2021), I had only DNF’d one book in 2021! And it was last week!
So I didn’t think that was enough to warrant a whole review blitz. I’ll be posting my review of that book early next year. Therefore, DNF December is going on a brief hiatus for 2021–which is a good thing if you think about it. It means I picked up some great books this year that I enjoyed reading!
I’ll see you all here next year! (Hopefully? Maybe?)