Series Review: The McGregor Brothers by Karina Halle

Series Review: Is this series worth your time? Does it get better as the novels progress? Or does it get worse? Find out below:


Synopsis for The Pact (from Goodreads):

It all started with a pinky swear…

Linden McGregor is tall, rugged, and gunslinger handsome; a helicopter pilot with a Scottish brogue and charm to spare. He’s also one of Stephanie Robson’s best friends and has fit into that box for as long as she’s known him.

Beautiful, funny and an ambitious businesswoman (with one hell of an ass), Stephanie Robson is one of Linden McGregor’s best friends and has fit into that box for as long as he’s known her.

But some relationships can’t be boxed, can’t be classified, can’t be tamed.

Back in their mid-twenties and tired of the competitive hit-or-miss dating scene of San Francisco, Steph and Linden made a pact to marry each other if neither one of them were in a serious relationship by the time they hit thirty.

It sounded like fun and games at the time but as the years to thirty tick past and lovers come and go out of their lives, the pact becomes larger than life.

Sex is inevitable. Friendships are tested. Hearts are on the line.

The pact is about to change everything.


SERIESous’ Top Picks: Canadian Author
Series: McGregor Brothers
Author: Karina Halle
# of Books: 5  (Full Reading Order)

There is a novella: #3.5 Winter Wishes

Book Order: Connected
Complete?: Yes
Genre: Adult, Contemporary, Romance
Heat Rating: Toasty
Point of View: First Person, Alternating
Publication Dates: December 2014 – August 2016
Source & Format: Own–eBook (#1); Public Library–Audiobook (#2-#5)


Why I Picked it Up / My Expectations:

Karina Halle is one of those authors that I see all the time and own quite a few novels of but haven’t read too many. But after I read Smut, I knew she had the potential to be a Must Read author.

I think The Pact (#1) was my most anticipated read by her. In fact, I put off reading it for a long time, (I even read and finished her Nordic Royals Series despite owning these for years) waiting for the perfect moment to dive in because I knew I was going to love it.

The Plot:

The Pact (#1) was a bit of a choppy execution for me. I loved the start but it lost its momentum by the halfway point. It was the same with The Play (#3) — which was excessively long; half the length would have done the trick.

The plot in The Lie (#4) is one that I struggled with given the nature of how the two leads meet. Our lead’s story also seemed too similar to the plot of A Nordic King (Nordic Royals #3) so it felt a little repetitive to me even if they are different series and completely different dramatic plotlines.

The Characters:

I wasn’t a huge fan of Linden or Stephanie which was weird because I really thought I would. I felt like we only scratched the surface of who they were…and I didn’t really love what we got.

The character development does improve in the author books in the series. The backstories become more intricate. I think it helps you get a little taste of the next McGregor hero in the book before so you get excited to learn more about them.

The Romance:

I really struggled with the romances in quite a few of these stories. With The Pact (#1) and The Play (#3) I thought the switch from friends to lovers was slightly abrupt despite the slow burning nature of the romance.

I think The Offer (#2) had the strongest executed slow burn romance of the series. Some people with struggle with the romance in The Lie (#4) I think because of how these two meet.

When to Read Winter Wishes (#3.5):

I didn’t read it (I was a little over reading about that particular couple) but I know it takes place right between the end of The Play (#3) and the start of The Lie (#4). You don’t have to read it before The Lie, they basically recap it within that book.

My Audiobook Experience:

Besides the fact that The Play (#3) clocks in at nearly 17 hours in length (WHOA), these were easy enough listens. All the books use the same Scottish male narrator who leaves something to be desired with his female voices. Maybe it’s because I upped the speed to 1.75X that made his heroine voice extra cheesy but it made me fast forward through the sexy times that he narrated because they made me uncomfortable with their high pitch. The female narrators were all different.

Series Rating: 3/5

The Pact  2/5 | The Offer 4/5 | The Play 3/5 | [Winter Wishes N/A] | The Lie 3/5 | The Debt 3/5


These aren’t your everyday contemporary romance so I think they will appeal to readers looking for a grittier side of love without all the BDSM-esque stuff that often accompanies it. I can appreciate the realistic approach some of these romances take in their progression but I struggled to like the characters and get invested in their stories.

Read if You Like: realistic contemporary romances
Avoid if You: dislike slow burn romances



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