Series Review: Hoops by Kennedy Ryan

Series Review: Is this series worth your time? Does it get better as the novels progress? Or does it get worse? Find out below:


Synopsis for Long Shot (from Goodreads):

Think you know what it’s like being a baller’s girl?
You don’t.
My fairy tale is upside down.
A happily never after.
I kissed the prince and he turned into a fraud.
I was a fool, and his love – fool’s gold.

Now there’s a new player in the game, August West.
One of the NBA’s brightest stars.
Fine. Forbidden.
He wants me. I want him.
But my past, my fraudulent prince, just won’t let me go.

*Contains domestic/sexual abuse not involving the hero.


Author: Kennedy Ryan
Series: Hoops
# of Books: 3 (Full Reading Order Here)
Book Order: Connected
Complete?: Yes
Genre: Adult, Contemporary, Romance, Realistic Fiction, Sports, Basketball
Heat Rating: Toasty
Point of View: First Person, Alternating
Publication Dates: March 2018 – March 2019
Source & Format: Public Library–Audiobook


Why I Picked it Up / My Expectations:

I knew this was going to be a heavy series to get into. Particularly for Long Shot (#1). I’ve never really read a book that has active abuse within it; its usually just a reference to the character’s past or a single flashback. So I was very curious to see how it was handled.

The Concept / The World:

I’ve read a lot of sports romances and I’d say overall, most of them take on this fantastical approach to the world. The glory, the money and the glitz of it all. Yes, there is character development and harder moments in those series but I’ve never read a sports romance like this series before. One that focuses more on the real people living in that world and the obstacles life can throw in their way.

The Plot:

One thing I truly have come to appreciate about Kennedy Ryan’s writing style is her ability to showcase two sides to a story or concept.

Take the domestic abuse that is the cornerstone of Long Shot (#1). There is a scene in the book where some women Iris encounters say “if he ever hit me, I’d leave”. I know I have been guilty of saying that too. But Iris’ story shows how hard that can be. She is a strong, independent woman yet her abuser knows how to manipulate the situation to bend her to his will and she becomes trapped in a situation she can’t easily escape from. Her situation is grounded in so much reality that it’s hard to stomach. After certain scenes I had to stop reading and decompress as my heart broke.

The rest of the series highlights different, real life situations that many people find themselves in each of its novels. And Kennedy Ryan masterfully navigates all of them in a respectful yet impactful way.

The Characters:

This series overall is very character driven. I can appreciate a contemporary romance that explores what happens when best intentions go askew and life gets in the way. Watching these characters navigate that is the best way for them to grow as well as connect to their audience as you watch them struggle.

The Romance:

There is a lot of chemistry between all the leads in this series. It’s obvious to anyone why they should be together.

My Audiobook Experience:

Listening to the audiobook is incredibly impactful. Hearing someone convey the emotions the characters are going through in a particular scene just amps up the intensity 10x. You feel like you are in the room as the abuse happens yet are helpless to stop it when reading Long Shot (#1).

Series Rating: 5/5

Long Shot 5/5 | Block Shot 5/5 | Hook Shot 4.5/5


If you want a realistic contemporary romance, this is the series for you!

Read if You Like: realistic fiction, contemporary romance
Avoid if You: a want a lighter read


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