Series Review: Dominions by Abigail Owen

Series Review: Is this series worth your time? Does it get better as the novels progress? Or does it get worse? Find out below:


Synopsis for The Liar’s Crown (from Goodreads):

Everything about my life is a lie. As a hidden twin princess, born second, I have only one purpose—to sacrifice my life for my sister if death comes for her. I’ve been living under the guise of a poor, obscure girl of no standing, slipping into the palace and into the role of the true princess when danger is present.

Now the queen is dead and the ageless King Eidolon has sent my sister a gift—an eerily familiar gift—and a proposal to wed. I don’t trust him, so I do what I was born to do and secretly take her place on the eve of the coronation. Which is why, when a figure made of shadow kidnaps the new queen, he gets me by mistake.

As I try to escape, all the lies start to unravel. And not just my lies. The Shadowraith who took me has secrets of his own. He struggles to contain the shadows he wields—other faces, identities that threaten my very life.

Winter is at the walls. Darkness is looming. And the only way to save my sister and our dominion is to kill Eidolon…and the Shadowraith who has stolen my heart.


Author: Abigail Owen
Series: Dominions
# of Books: 3 (Full Reading Order Here)
Book Order: Chronological
Complete?: No
Genre: Young Adult, High Fantasy, Paranormal, Romance
Heat Rating: cool
Point of View: First Person, Single
Publication Dates: August 2022 – July 2024
Source & Format: Public Library–Audiobook


Why I Picked it Up / My Expectations:

While the cover definitely drew me in, I thought the synopsis would be something I love. The idea of forbidden love and a world of politics sounded like an enjoyable read. And so I waited a really long time for my library hold to come in and I dove right in!

The Concept / The World:

I never felt like we were getting dumped on with information when it came to the world-building. It’s so seamlessly woven into the plot that it makes it easy to absorb and keep the flow of the story going.

While I eventually did get a little lost in the magic and function of the world by the end of The Liar’s Crown (#1), that was mostly because I would get distracted when listening to the audiobook. Oops.

The Plot:

I really liked the many layers this story had. There are so many things at play that it makes the story exciting and engaging. I never really felt like it was lagging when it came to the pacing. Something is always building and happening.

The Characters:

I really think it would be easy for a character like Meren to be a walking cliché but I found her to be very refreshing and original. I enjoyed watching her character evolve and grow as the story progressed. I appreciated her drive and her ability to step outside her comfort zone.

I also found myself getting super invested in all the side characters as well. I really love when that happens. Getting attached to other characters helps amplify the story and keeps me reading as I get more absorbed into the world.

The Romance:

I think this was the best aspect. The forbidden, enemies-to-lovers romance trope is a personal fave of mine. I loved the banter and the slow burn between these two. Again, it could be cliché but there is so much substance to this romance that I was absolutely enthralled by it.

My Audiobook Experience:

I LOVED the audiobook production! It was so captivating to listen to.

My Expectations for the Rest of the Series:

I am so excited to see how this all wraps up in the finale!

Series Rating: 4/5

The Liar’s Crown 4/5 | The Stolen Throne 4/5 | The Shadows Rule All TBR


A solid fantasy read that has a well rounded cast, romance and plot line to keep you engaged.

Read if You Like: fantasy world politics, romance
Avoid if You: dislike magic


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