Single Sundays: The Invitation by Vi Keeland

Single Sundays: While this blog may be focused on reviewing book series as a whole, we can’t forget about the good ole’ standalone novel! On Sundays, I will review a novel that is considered to be a standalone novel. Here is this week’s offering:

Synopsis for The Invitation (from Goodreads):
The first time I met Hudson Rothschild was at a wedding. I’d received an unexpected invitation to one of the swankiest venues in the city.

Hudson was a groomsman and quite possibly the most gorgeous man I’d ever laid eyes on. He asked me to dance, and our chemistry was off the charts.

I knew it wasn’t a good idea to get involved with him, considering the wedding I was at. But our connection was intense, and I was having a great time.

Though the fun came to a screeching halt when Hudson figured out I wasn’t who I’d said I was. You see, that unexpected invitation I received? Well, it hadn’t actually been addressed to me—it was sent to my ex-roommate who’d bounced a check for two months’ rent and moved out in the middle of the night. I figured she owed me an expensive night out, but I guess, technically, I was crashing the wedding.

Once caught, I couldn’t get out of there fast enough. As I bolted for the door, I might’ve plucked a few bottles of expensive champagne off the tables I passed, all while the gorgeous, angry groomsman was hot on my tail.

Outside, I jumped into a taxi. My heart ricocheted against my ribs as we drove down the block—but at least I’d escaped unscathed.

Or so I thought.

Until I realized I’d left my cell phone behind at the table.

Take one guess who found it?

This is the crazy story of how Hudson Rothschild and I met. But trust me, it’s only the tip of the iceberg.


SERIESous’ Top Picks: New Must Read Author
Author: Vi Keeland
Genre: Adult, Contemporary, Romance
Heat Rating: Warm
Point of View: First Person, Alternating
Publication Date: January 16, 2021
Source & Format: KoboPlus–eBook


Why I Picked it Up / My Expectations:

So I’ve been on a Vi Keeland kick lately. I really loved The Rivals and made it a point to read as many novels by her as I could while I still had my KoboPlus subscription. She just writes very good contemporary romances that have a great balance of characters, romance and plot. Plus, the synopsis for this sounded like a lot of fun with the wedding crasher premise.

The Plot:

This was a good mix of fun and heartfelt moments. The wedding crashing scene was fun but things calm down after as we coast along watching these two grow and navigate their relationship. I just enjoyed going through the motions with this story; even if I had figured out 94% of the twist very early on. Regardless of figuring it out, I appreciated how the plot is resolved around it.

The Characters:

Stella and Hudson are both solid characters with great character growth. I really felt like this story was about the characters and their lives rather than shock and awe — and I liked that a lot.

The Romance:

To me, this felt more like a simmer than a slow burn. Like the tension is always there but it isn’t always the focus of their interactions. But they have great chemistry from the get-go and I totally saw why they were a great pair.

My Rating: 4/5


This was a solid, character driven contemporary romance read!

Read if You Like: single dad heroes; character growth
Avoid if You: dislike contemporary romance, want erotica


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