Series Review: King of the Court by Piper Lawson

Series Review: Is this series worth your time? Does it get better as the novels progress? Or does it get worse? Find out below:


Synopsis for King of the Court (from Goodreads):

A steamy, grumpy sunshine sports romance featuring a woman down on her luck, a star basketball player with a filthy mouth, and a connection neither of them can deny.

After being dumped and losing my job the same week, the last thing my broken heart needs is a rebound.

I’m escaping across the country to help my perfect sister plan her dream wedding, and to prove to both of us everything is under control.

But a combination of tequila and turbulence on the flight there lead to word-vomiting all my troubles to the huge and handsome stranger in the first-class seat next to mine.

Only his whispered dirty diversions keep me sane until landing.

Despite the spark of attraction, we go our separate ways.

Or so I thought.

Turns out the tall, muscular, tattooed tower of a man from the plane is the star player on my future brother-in-law’s pro basketball team.

Clay is the last person I should gravitate toward. They’re called “players” for a reason.

Grumpy and cynical, he carries a weight on his shoulders I can’t possibly fathom.

He’s also the only one who knows my secrets and gets my heart racing.

The more we’re thrust together, the stronger the chemistry between us becomes.

Hooking up with the all-star athlete isn’t the way to get my life on track…but it could just be the game changer we’ve both been searching for.


SERIESous’ Top Picks: Favourite Author, Canadian Author
Author: Piper Lawson
Series: King of the Court

Has a spin-off series: Denver Kodiaks Series.

# of Books: 3 (Full Reading Order Here)

There is a novella: #3.5 Game Day

Book Order: Chronological
Complete?: Yes
Genre: Adult, Contemporary, Sports, Basketball, Romance
Heat Rating: Hot
Point of View: First Person, Alternating
Publication Dates: April 2023 – March 2024
Source & Format: Author–eBook


**This post has now been updated to include the newest publications in the series.**

Why I Picked it Up / My Expectations:

Piper Lawson writes GREAT contemporary romances; so when she announced her next series was going to be a SPORTS romance (one of my favourite genres) I was STOKED!

The Concept / The World:

I’ve read a lot of sports romances and this series has all the hallmarks of a great one: sports competitions, teammates, drama and intriguing side characters. But one standout is that this entire trilogy focuses on one romance throughout instead of a group of standalone romances with different leads.

The Plot:

I’m kinda at a loss for how to describe this series. I just simply enjoyed every moment of it! From the meet cute at the start to the little moments we get along the way to that “what will happen next ending?!” — it’s just a well rounded sports romance novel series! It just kept building and building, sucking me in chapter after chapter.

The Characters:

I want to know every little detail about the side characters we meet along the way. They never distract from the main story but they certainly enhance it! I love when you can become immersed in a story and all the characters involved.

As for our leads, not only did they share insane chemistry together but they had even better individual character growth and I loved reading their stories as much as I did watching them fall in love.

The Romance:

I loved watching these two fall into each other. They have this innate connection that pulls them together and it only gets amplified when they spend time together. They are just this really great balance for the other. I love how they push the other to their full potential and challenge each other to be a better person. I absolutely adore that in my romance novels. To me, that is true love.


–March 26, 2024– Book #3.5: Game Day

Who doesn’t want to spend more time with one of their favourite romance couples? This was a nice extended epilogue of sorts. I love these two together so any extra moments we get is a bonus. But this novella reminded my why I adored this series and I enjoyed every minute!

But I also loved how it bridges things for the next series in this universe and it reminded me why I am so excited to get more Kodaks! Consider me a Kodashian!

Series Rating: 4.5/5

Game Changer 5/5 | Shot Taker 4/5 | Play Maker 5/5 | [Game Day 5/5]


With the perfect balance of banter, sexual tension, drama and friends this was a fantastic series from start to finish and I can’t wait to spend more time in this world!

Read if You Like: sports romances, strong character development
Avoid if You: dislike contemporary romance


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