Series Review: Duplicity by Elisabeth Grace

Series Review: Is this series worth your time? Does it get better as the novels progress? Or does it get worse? Find out below:


Synopsis for Hook (from Goodreads):

Women loathed me without even knowing my name. Men coveted the very idea of me.

Escort. Call girl. Prostitute. Hooker. Whore.

I’d heard it all. Done it all.

Over the years I’d felt a lot of things about my occupation…but not regret–never regret. I had my reasons for doing what I did and nothing and no one had ever made me question them.


He’d changed me and I’d naively fed into the fairy tale.

But Marco wasn’t my Prince Charming. He had secrets of his own. Secrets that would eventually rip away everything I held dear.


Author: Elisabeth Grace
Series: Duplicity Duet
# of Books: 2 (Full Reading Order Here)
Book Order: Chronological
Complete?: Yes
Genre: Adult, Contemporary, Suspense, Romance, Erotica
Heat Rating: Hot
Point of View: First Person, Alternating
Publication Dates: April – July 2016
Source & Format: Kobo–eBook


Why I Picked it Up / My Expectations:

In the past, I’ve really enjoyed Elisabeth Grace’s contemporary romances. The plots are interesting, the characters are strong and the romance have great chemistry. I kept this series in particular on my TBR for years because the plot synopsis intriguing and I’m always on the lookout for a solid romantic suspense novel.

The Plot:

I’d say that Hook‘s (#1) focal-point is definitely more romance based. The focus is on Marco and Brandi’s meeting and chemistry. Which I really did enjoy! But I felt like the overarching plot just took a bit of a back seat as it slowly built up for the finale. However, I didn’t mind as I enjoyed watching their romantic connection grow.

Burn (#2) brings in the suspense and action. The romance is still there but it isn’t the primary focus and I enjoyed the anticipating of seeing how everything will end.

The Characters:

Brandi and Marco both have this “we do bad things but have hearts of gold” thing going on that really humanizes them as characters. Even when the plot leaned more towards the melodramatic, I could totally see how these two could be real people and I think that’s why I enjoyed watching them fall in love.

The Romance:

Marco was so charming and just seemed to be a great match for our heroine. They have this innate, deep connection that you can just tell that they belong together.

Series Rating: 3.5/5

Hook 4/5 | Burn 3/5


I would have liked a little more of a balance between the two books in terms of the romantic plot and the dramatic plot. However, I really loved these characters and they made the story for me.

Read if You Like: romantic suspense
Avoid if You: dislike romantic suspense


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