Category «Features»

Monthly Inventory: August 2018

Monthly Inventory: August 2018

August 2018 What a jammed packed month this turned out to be! Between readathons and vacations, I had a lot on the go. So August was never a dull month (and if it was, I just DNF’d the book I was reading :P) August was all about my personal TBR list (ie books I own) …

SERIESous Spoilers: Warcross

SERIESous Spoilers: Warcross

SERIESous Spoilers: A feature where we discuss what happened in our favourite (or maybe not so favourite) books. Did you like the plot changes? The romance? What surprised you? What angered you? And what do you think will happen next? I’ve changed my layout a bit for this occasional feature. Please click on the plus …

SERIESous Discussion: Book Formats by Month

SERIESous Discussion: Book Formats by Month

SERIESous Discussions: Every once and awhile I will post my random ramblings about a bookish or blogging topic. Feel free to join in by making a comment below or linking back! Last month, I wrote a discussion post looking at how many books I read in a month and compared my 2016 and 2017 reading …

Monthly Inventory: July 2018

Monthly Inventory: July 2018

July 2018 Where did July go?! This month flew by in every way! Whether it was reading, life or work, I feel like the days just melted away in the summer heat. I had a great July when it came to reading. For the first time in a long time, I actually felt in control …

SERIESous Discussion: My Reading Habits by Month

SERIESous Discussion: My Reading Habits by Month

SERIESous Discussions: Every once and awhile I will post my random ramblings about a bookish or blogging topic. Feel free to join in by making a comment below or linking back! This post is completely inspired by Cristina @ Girl in the Pages who created an awesome post looking at her reading habits back in …

Trope Thursday: Cheating [6]

Trope Thursday: Cheating [6]

Trope Thursdays: A monthly feature where I look at various reading tropes. Each month I will pick a trope and examine all aspects of it. I’ll discuss the classic features of the trope, what I love (or hate) about it and share some books that use the trope in their plots. For me, this trope …

Blog Tour: Forever Fixed (Fixed #6) by Laurelin Paige

Blog Tour: Forever Fixed (Fixed #6) by Laurelin Paige

Synopsis for Fixed Forever (from Goodreads): Hudson Pierce- You act so high and mighty, you and your perfect pregnant wife Alayna. With your perfect child and your perfect home. You weren’t always perfect. Your past is filled with misdeeds. Does your wife know all your secrets? Would she stand behind you if she did? You …

SERIESous Discussion: DNFing ARCs

SERIESous Discussion: DNFing ARCs

SERIESous Discussions: Every once and awhile I will post my random ramblings about a bookish or blogging topic. Feel free to join in by making a comment below or linking back! To DNF or not to DNF ARCs Back in 2016, I wrote a post about how I wanted to DNF more books. Not that …