Tag «Completed Series»

Series Review: G.A.P. by Ingrid Seymour

Series: The G.A.P. Series Author: Ingrid Seymour # of Books: 2 (The Guys are Props Club, Girls are Players) Complete?: Yes Genre: New Adult, Romance, Contemporary, Drama Heat Rating: really warm Thoughts: I picked up The Guys are Props Club for free on Amazon recently. It sounded like a cute and lighthearted read which was …

Series Review: The Pledge Trilogy by Kimberly Derting

SERIESous’ Top Book Series: Favourite reads of 2012 (The Pledge) Series: The Pledge Trilogy Author: Kimberly Derting # of Books: 3 (The Pledge, The Essence, The Offering) Complete?: Yes Genre: Young Adult, Dystopian, Science Fiction Heat Rating: lukewarm Point of View: Multiple POV (combination of First Person and Third Person) Thoughts: I read Kimberely Derting’s Body …

Serial Review: Twisted by Mora Early

Serial Saturdays: On the occasional Saturday, I review a serialized series (a series that is released in parts that would normally make up a whole novel) to see if the series is worth keeping up with or worth buying all its parts. Here is this week’s offering: Synopsis for Twisted Arrangement (from Goodreads): All Emma …

Series Review: Love Inc by Ella James

Series Review: Is this series worth your time? Does it get better as the novels progress? Or does it get worse? Find out below: Synopsis for Selling Scarlett (from Goodreads): Elizabeth DeVille doesn’t belong at a party like this – one where the gowns cost more than her Camry and cigars run higher than her …

Series Review: Spellcaster by Claudia Gray

Series Review: Is this series worth your time? Does it get better as the novels progress? Or does it get worse? Find out below: Spellcaster by Claudia Gray | Spellcaster Series Synopsis for Spellcaster (from Goodreads): When Nadia’s family moves to Captive’s Sound, she instantly realizes there’s more to it than meets the eye. Descended …

Series Review: Breathless by Maya Banks

SERIESous’ Top Book Series: Must Read Author Series: Breathless Author: Maya Banks # of Books: 3 (Rush, Fever, Burn) Complete?: Yes Genre: Adult, Contemporary, Romance Heat Rating: Smokin’ (BDSM: High) Thoughts: Maya Banks is a must read author for me for a few reasons. One is that her highlander books are my favourite to read …

Series Review: Sweet by Wendy Higgins

Series Review: Is this series worth your time? Does it get better as the novels progress? Or does it get worse? Find out below: Synopsis for Sweet Evil (from Goodreads): Embrace the Forbidden What if there were teens whose lives literally depended on being bad influences? This is the reality for sons and daughters of …

Series Review: Laurel by Aprilynne Pike

Series: Wings or Laurel Series Author: Aprilynne Pike # of Books: 4 (Wings, Spells, Illusions, Destined) Complete?: Yes Genre: Young Adult/Teen, Faeries, Romance, Magic Heat Rating: cool Thoughts: This was one of those series that just didn’t do it for me. Despite the high ratings and reviews, I just couldn’t get into this series. I’m …