Tag «Contemporary»

Series Review: Every Day by David Levithan

Series Review: Every Day by David Levithan

Series Review: Is this series worth your time? Does it get better as the novels progress? Or does it get worse? Find out below: Synopsis for Every Day (from Goodreads): Every day a different body. Every day a different life. Every day in love with the same girl. There’s never any warning about where it …

Novella Serial Review: Luke by Cassia Leo

Serial Saturdays: On the occasional Saturday, I review a serialized series (a series that is released in parts that would normally make up a whole novel) to see if the series is worth keeping up with or worth buying all its parts. Here is this week’s offering: Synopsis for Mirror (from Goodreads): From New York …

Series Review: The Rules by Monica Murphy

Series Review: Is this series worth your time? Does it get better as the novels progress? Or does it get worse? Find out below: Synopsis for Fair Game (from Goodreads): Bad enough Jade Frost’s boyfriend drags her to a boring poker game. Even worse that he actually threw her into the betting pot during an intense …

Series Review: Red by Isabelle Ronin

Series Review: Is this series worth your time? Does it get better as the novels progress? Or does it get worse? Find out below: Red Series Synopsis for Chasing Red (from Goodreads): HER HEART MIGHT BE THE ONE THING HE CAN’T WIN… When cynical straight-A college student Veronica “Red” Strafford gets kicked out of her …

Series Review: Pucked by Helena Hunting

Series Review: Pucked by Helena Hunting

Series Review: Is this series worth your time? Does it get better as the novels progress? Or does it get worse? Find out below: Synopsis for Pucked (from Goodreads): With a famous NHL player for a step-brother, Violet Hall is well acquainted with the playboy reputation many hockey stars come with. She’s smart enough to …

Movie Mondays: Before I Fall

Movie Mondays: On the occasional Monday, I will review a book series or novel that has been made into a movie. I will then answer the question that everyone asks: which is better, the movie or the book? Here is this edition’s offering: Book: Before I Fall by Lauren Oliver (2010) | Movie: Before I …

Series Review: Fortunate by Jessica Roe

Series Review: Is this series worth your time? Does it get better as the novels progress? Or does it get worse? Find out below: Synopsis for Because of Him (from Goodreads): Blair Ackerman is a girl with crazy hair and a bad attitude. She’s a girl who doesn’t care what anyone thinks of her. She’s …