Tag «down the tbr hole»

Monthly Inventory: December 2020

Monthly Inventory: December 2020

December 2020 I think the month of December 2020 really encapsulated for me what a crap year it was for reading (and blogging). I only read 4 books the entire month (though I had 2 others “started” but sitting on my bedside table collecting dust) — I used to read that many books in a …

Monthly Inventory: November 2020

Monthly Inventory: November 2020

November 2020 I wasn’t sure if I was ever going to get around to posting this recap of the month. I mean, there isn’t a whole lot to say about the dismal month of November when it comes to my reading and blogging. Like it has been for many people, 2020 has been a challenging …

Monthly Inventory: October 2020

Monthly Inventory: October 2020

October 2020 Yikes! I was not feeling the reading (or blogging) this month. I don’t think I’ve ever been in a reading slump like this were I have zero interest in reading. Usually my slumps consist of lower rating books or lots of DNFs, but I’m always trying to find the book that will rejuvenate …

Monthly Inventory: September 2020

Monthly Inventory: September 2020

September 2020 Like most months lately: where does the time go? I feel like it was just the start of the month and here we are at the end of it! The plan for this month was to catch up on some ARCs and get some sequels down since I always dub this month “Sequel …

Monthly Inventory: August 2020

Monthly Inventory: August 2020

August 2020 Yikes! Where did this month go!!??!? I had started things off so well but this was one of those months where it felt like a chore to sit down and read. My hectic work schedule didn’t help either. But if I look at my numbers for a year ago, I guess I did …

Monthly Inventory: July 2020

July 2020 This month was bittersweet in a lot of ways. I was supposed to be going on an epic trip to Europe–one I’ve been planning for years–but COVID had stopped that from happening. I still took some of my vacation off from work which was a great decision. Not only did it let me …

Monthly Inventory: June 2020

Monthly Inventory: June 2020

June 2020 I’m always a proud Canadian but these last few months have shown me how great this country truly is. The acts of kindness and compassion I’ve witnessed just warms my heart. And while we may not be celebrating the way we usually do, I know it will be a great day. My reading …

Monthly Inventory: May 2020

Monthly Inventory: May 2020

May 2020 This was a weird month for me. Things started on such a high following a great April (reading wise) and I was optimistic things were on the right track for the rest of the month. I celebrated 7 years of blogging at the start of the month. It’s crazy that I’ve been doing …

Monthly Inventory: April 2020

Monthly Inventory: April 2020

April 2020 Last month I was finding it harder than normal to concentrate on reading. I found myself picking up other hobbies like knitting or taking an online course to learn Python coding. And if it wasn’t an audiobook, I likely didn’t pick it up. But April seemed to be a total 180! Work was …

Monthly Inventory: March 2020

Monthly Inventory: March 2020

March 2020 Given the current state of the world right now it almost feels trivial to recap my reading for the month. But as someone who works in healthcare right now, it’s nice to have a distraction from everything right now. Before my city declared a State of Emergency, they announced that the library would …