Tag «incomplete series»

A series that never published its subsequent sequels.

Incomplete Series: The Bodyguards by Emma Chase

Spin-off Saturdays: The Bodyguards Series by Emma Chase

Spin-off Saturdays: On Saturdays, I will review a series that is a spin-off series. It is recommended that you read the original series first in order to get the most out of the spin-off series. Here is this week’s offering: The Bodyguards Series is a spin-off of the Royally Series SERIESous’ Top Picks: Must Read …

Incomplete Series: Dynasty by M J Prince

Incomplete Series: Dynasty by M J Prince

Fresh Fridays: On Friday, I review a brand new series (ie. only has one book released so far) to see if the series is worth keeping up with. Here is this week’s offering: Dynasty Trilogy Synopsis for Secret Heir (from Goodreads): Since the beginning of time, tales have been told about Eden. But all the …

Incomplete Series: Port Lucia by Renita Pizzitola

Fresh Fridays: On Friday, I review a brand new series (ie. only has one book released so far) to see if the series is worth keeping up with. Here is this week’s offering: Port Lucia Series Synopsis for Addicted to You (from Goodreads): In the sleepy fishing town of Port Lucia, everyone knows everyone, but …

Incomplete Series: The Immortal Gene by Jacinta Maree

Series Review: Is this series worth your time? Does it get better as the novels progress? Or does it get worse? Find out below: The Immortal Gene Trilogy Other books in the series: Synopsis for Soulless (from Goodreads): Welcome to Soulless. We are the generation that laughs at death. Reincarnation; what was once considered a …

Incomplete Series: Light by Lauren Bird Horowitz

Fresh Fridays: On Friday, I review a brand new series (ie. only has one book released so far) to see if the series is worth keeping up with. Here is this week’s offering: The Light Trilogy Synopsis for Shattered Blue (from Goodreads): For Noa and Callum, being together is dangerous, even deadly. From the start, …