Tag «reading rules»

Meme-ful Musings: The “Just One More Chapter” Excuse

Meme-ful Musings: The “Just One More Chapter” Excuse

We all have our reading quirks and one of my most compelling is to always stop reading at the end of a chapter (or if it’s one of those books with really long chapters, a page break). I don’t like stopping mid scene because you lose the feel for it as soon as you step away and then you have to reread to get the vibe back. I like stopping at the end of chapters of page breaks because the scene has wrapped up and a new scene is just about to unfold.

Tag it Thursdays: Reader Problems

Tag it Thursdays: I occasionally get tagged by fellow bloggers to complete various tags. Once a month I will post my response. Please, feel free to tag yourself if any of these tags interest you! This month’s tag: The Reader Problems Tag I was tagged by Summer @XingSings wayyyy back in July to do  this fun …

Meme-ful Musings: Spoiler Alert

(Meme from: memecrunch.com) When I first decided to create my blog, one of the first things I promised myself to do was write reviews with no spoilers. Up until this point, I was really only using GoodReads to find books–which is not an awful place to start by any means–BUT, people on that site love …

Tag It Thursdays: The Reading Habits Tag

Tag it Thursdays: I occasionally get tagged by fellow bloggers to complete various tags. Once a month I will post my response. Please, feel free to tag yourself if any of these tags interest you! This month’s tag: The Reading Habits Tag I was tagged ages ago by super-wonderful Summer @ Xingsings to do this …

Site Update: Launch of the FINAL Series Recap Page!

After nearly a year of promising to update my blog’s Series Recap section, I have finally managed to add the last set of recaps! Now Series from S-Z can be read! And just in time too as some books featured there have just had new releases in the last two weeks! Now that school is …