Tag «tackling the tbr»

SERIESous’ Reading Plan for 2018

SERIESous’ Reading Plan for 2018

2017 Was the Year I Had Been Working Towards 2018 Is the Year I Keep the Momentum Going You can read all about my journey to read smarter, not harder in last year’s reading plan post. But the gist is that I was overwhelming myself in a lot of ways which, in turn, was creating …

Reading Challenge: Summer TBR Wipeout

Reading Challenge: Summer TBR Wipeout

Like most Book Bloggers, I do yearly challenges but I don’t often do time-limited challenges or very many readathons throughout the year. When I saw this challenge on the Candid Cover, I thought this was a great idea! Sometimes, I need that little kick in the butt to get those titles down and having a …

Tackling the TBR: Goodreads Purge 2017

Tackling the TBR: Goodreads Purge 2017

Back in 2015, I did a few posts where I talked about Tackling my TBR. Back then, it was all about curbing my library holds addiction and creating a more manageable reading “schedule”. Each month, I would set goals and/or rules in the hopes of making 2016 an even better year for reading. And it …

SERIESous’ Reading Plan for 2017

SERIESous’ Reading Plan for 2017

2016 was all about reading smarter, not harder. In 2017, I’m getting a touch more flexible with what I read. In 2015 I really looked at my reading habits and decided I didn’t like them. I felt bogged down by all the library holds I had coming in on a regular basis and was requesting …

Tackling the TBR: November 2015 [4]

I won’t lie: school kicked my ass in September and October. I rarely had time to sit down and blog, let alone read for fun and so my goals for these last two months are nowhere near where I would like them to be. Between August and September, the number of books I read decreased …

Tag it Thursdays: Reader Problems

Tag it Thursdays: I occasionally get tagged by fellow bloggers to complete various tags. Once a month I will post my response. Please, feel free to tag yourself if any of these tags interest you! This month’s tag: The Reader Problems Tag I was tagged by Summer @XingSings wayyyy back in July to do  this fun …

Tag It Thursdays: The I Am More Happy Than Not Tag [1]

Tag it Thursdays: I occasionally get tagged by fellow bloggers to complete various tags. Once a month I will post my response. Please, feel free to tag yourself if any of these tags interest you! This month’s tag: The I Am More Happy Than Not Tag This tag/hashtag was created by Shelumiel @The Bookish and Awesome blog …