Tag «teen»

DNF Series Review: Insignia by S J Kincaid

DNF Series Review: Insignia by S J Kincaid

Series Review: Is this series worth your time? Does it get better as the novels progress? Or does it get worse? Find out below: Synopsis for Insignia (from Goodreads): The earth is in the middle of WWIII in Insignia, the first entry in S. J. Kincaid’s fast-paced sci-fi adventure trilogy perfect for fans of Ender’s …

Series Review: Red Winter by Annette Marie

Series Review: Red Winter by Annette Marie

Series Review: Is this series worth your time? Does it get better as the novels progress? Or does it get worse? Find out below: Synopsis for Red Winter (from Goodreads): Emi is the kamigakari. In a few short months, her life as a mortal will end and her new existence as the human host of …

Single Sundays: Tiger Lily Jodi Lynn Anderson

Single Sundays: While this blog may be focused on reviewing book series as a whole, we can’t forget about the good ole’ standalone novel! On Sundays, I will review a novel that is considered to be a standalone novel. Here is this week’s offering: Synopsis for Tiger Lily (from Goodreads): Before Peter Pan belonged to …

Incomplete Series: Light by Lauren Bird Horowitz

Fresh Fridays: On Friday, I review a brand new series (ie. only has one book released so far) to see if the series is worth keeping up with. Here is this week’s offering: The Light Trilogy Synopsis for Shattered Blue (from Goodreads): For Noa and Callum, being together is dangerous, even deadly. From the start, …

Single Sundays: Cold Calls by Charles Benoit

Single Sundays: While this blog may be focused on reviewing book series as a whole, we can’t forget about the good ole’ standalone novel! On Sundays, I will review a novel that is considered to be a standalone novel. Here is this week’s offering: Synopsis for Cold Calls (from Goodreads): In the vein of the …

Series Review: Breathe by Sarah Crossan

Series: Breathe Author: Sarah Crossan # of Books: 2 (Breathe, Resist) Book Order: Chronological Complete?: Yes Genre: Young Adult, Science Fiction, Dystopian, Survival, Adventure, Romance Heat Rating: cool Point of View: First Person, Multiple Thoughts: Breathe was a random read I found in my library’s eBook collection. The cover is what drew me to it …

Series Review: Keegan’s Chronicles by Julia Crane

Series Review: Is this series worth your time? Does it get better as the novels progress? Or does it get worse? Find out below: SERIESous’ Top Book Series: Biggest Disappointments 2014 Series: Keegan’s Chronicles Author: Julia Crane # of Books: 3 (Coexist, Conflicted, Consumed) There are 4 spinoff series to read. Find the full list …