Tag «Third Person POV: single»

Series Review: Red Winter by Annette Marie

Series Review: Red Winter by Annette Marie

Series Review: Is this series worth your time? Does it get better as the novels progress? Or does it get worse? Find out below: Synopsis for Red Winter (from Goodreads): Emi is the kamigakari. In a few short months, her life as a mortal will end and her new existence as the human host of …

DNF Review: Gunslinger Girl by Lyndsay Ely

Single Sundays: While this blog may be focused on reviewing book series as a whole, we can’t forget about the good ole’ standalone novel! On Sundays, I will review a novel that is considered to be a standalone novel. Here is this week’s offering: Synopsis for Gunslinger Girl (from Goodreads): James Patterson presents a bold new …

Series Review: A Wicked Thing by Rhiannon Thomas

Series Review: Is this series worth your time? Does it get better as the novels progress? Or does it get worse? Find out below: Synopsis for A Wicked Thing (from Goodreads): Rhiannon Thomas’s dazzling debut novel is a spellbinding reimagining of Sleeping Beauty and what happens after happily ever after. One hundred years after falling …

Single Sundays: Tiger Lily Jodi Lynn Anderson

Single Sundays: While this blog may be focused on reviewing book series as a whole, we can’t forget about the good ole’ standalone novel! On Sundays, I will review a novel that is considered to be a standalone novel. Here is this week’s offering: Synopsis for Tiger Lily (from Goodreads): Before Peter Pan belonged to …

Single Sundays: Haven by Mary Lindsey

Single Sundays: While this blog may be focused on reviewing book series as a whole, we can’t forget about the good ole’ standalone novel! On Sundays, I will review a novel that is considered to be a standalone novel. Here is this week’s offering: Synopsis for Haven (from Goodreads): “We all hold a beast inside. …