Tag it Thursdays: I occasionally get tagged by fellow bloggers to complete various tags. Once a month I will post my response. Please, feel free to tag yourself if any of these tags interest you!
This month’s tag:

Fireworks Book Tag
I was tagged to do this WAYYY back in August by Marie @ Drizzle and Hurricane Books. She has some great answers so I encourage you to read her original post here!
I LOVE fireworks! They are so much fun to watch and I have to say the best I have ever scene have been at Disney World in Florida. Their displays are amazing and magical–always a highlight of my trips there!
SCREAMERS: A book that made you want to scream, in a good
, or bad way
I’m going to go with what I am reading right now which is Missing Dixie by my fave, Caisey Quinn. Damn, these two had me screaming at them every chapter to just talk to each other! Their sexual tension is mindblowingly strong and I just want them to work out all their problems and let me sleep easy knowing they are finally together (or at least getting some closure if they don’t end up together!).
BOMBERS: A book that you read before it “exploded in the book community”
This one is tough for me to gauge because I’m always a little late to jump on the bandwagon AND I wasn’t a part of the “book community” when this book first came out. But I read all the novellas before the release of Throne of Glass and read my copy as soon as it was published so I like to think I was ahead of the game with this series!
BANGERS: A banned book you read
I’m going to pick an odd one for this–you know, one of those fireworks that just comes out of nowhere. I’m going with the Fifty Shades of Grey Trilogy which was banned in Malaysia for its content according to Wikipedia; though I’m sure a lot of people in North America wish the same thing…
PEONY: A book/
author you think everyone needs to read
I’m going to pick one book that really stuck with me last year and that was My Heart and Other Black Holes by Jasmine Wanga. It was a tough call between this, All the Rage and Written in the Stars. All three books deal with topics I feel society doesn’t talk about and do a fanastic job of sharing the issues while captivating the reader. But My Heart and Other Black Holes was just so real and approachable and I feel like not enough people have read it and its great take on mental health.
/series with a complicated plot
I’m sure I’ve read more complicated plots (Throne of Glass seems like a good series to pick) but I was really impressed with Rook. There were just so many layers to this story and that made it so much fun to read! I loved its unpredictability and the game strategy all the characters seemed to have. One of my faves from 2015.
DIADEM: A book/series with a set of amazing central characters
The Mortal Instruments was the first series that popped into my head! I connected so fast to these characters and loved every minute of it; even if I don’t particularly like them coughcoughClary. I just couldn’t get enough of these folks! Its prequel, The Infernal Devices also counts in this as well 😉 A close second would be the Vampire Academy/Bloodlines Series.
Throne of glass, yes, I really NEED to read that series soon. 🙂
I need to read My Heart and other Black Holes, too, it sounds really good, and I’m happy to hear you liked it a lot!
Yes, you need to read those! They are great! Thanks again for the tag!
My Heart and Other Black Holes sounds really really powerful and seems like it has a really important theme. Also, I’m a bit of a science nerd… so the book seems right up my ally! 🙂
It is a very powerful book I think and makes the reader really think about how we view mental illness in society. I hope you get a chance to read it!