June 2017
Was it just me or did June just fly by? I honestly don’t know where the month went!
Overall, June was a mixed bag. I more than likely signed myself up for more ARCs to read this summer than I should have (oops). All the library holds I had came in within 3 days of each other at the end of the month (Murphy’s Law). And I made very little progress on my various reading challenges (ugh). However, I read some of my most anticipated books, finished my first ever series solely through audiobooks and cleaned up my list of pending requests–so I can’t complain too much.
July is all about saving my 2017 reading goals. I’ve signed up for the Summer TBR Wipeout Challenge in the hopes I can focus on getting some of those titles I’ve procrastinated on. I’m also not putting a single book on hold at the library (unless I need it for the TBR challenge) which is a really big deal for me. I hope it pays off!
Total for June 2017: 17 Books Read + 9 Novellas Read
Last June: 15 Books Read + 2 Novellas Read
DNF’d: 4 Books
Standout Read (★★★★★)

I’m not surprised this book is here. Damn, I was rivoted by this one. I just love this series so much. I’m devastated I have to wait 2 years for the finale. 🙁
Biggest Let Down (DNF’d)

I absolutely loved the concept of this one: a 30 something single woman exploring the world of online dating. Unfortunately, the maturity was lacking and the humour just wasn’t for me.
I thought it would be fun to keep track of my reading progress on my Kobo every month (and compare it to last year’s numbers). While I do own a Kindle now, I mostly use my Kobo for everyday reading. As per my #ShelfLove Challenge, I really want to increase the Total % of Library Complete by the end of the year.
Unfortunately, with Kobo’s latest update they’ve changed the way they calculate statistics and it has drastically altered mine. It seems like they only count Kobo books now for total # of books finished (they used to include the eBooks from the library that I would add). But for some reason, that has changed my total % complete as well. At least my total # of hours seems to have stayed.
As of: |
June 30, 2017 |
July 3, 2016 |
Total % of Library Complete |
10% |
17% |
Total # of Books Finished |
114 |
472 |
Total # of Reading Hours |
2309 |
1913 |
Most Viewed Post |
Most Viewed Review |
Previously posted series reviews that got updates:
You can always get the full details on all my challenges on my dedicated page but here is a quick update:
5 Year 5 Book Challenge: 7 of 25 Titles Read
July’s 5Y5B picks: The Loop & The Iron Wyrm Affair
Goodreads Challenge: 26 books added
#ShelfLove Challenge: 15 TBR Items added
July’s #ShelfLove picks: The Opportunist & Retrieval
Judge By the Cover Challenge: None
Classics Challenge: None
July’s pick:TBD
View my Challenge Progress Here!
In February, I brought back my Tackling the TBR feature and announced my plan to get my Goodreads TBR down to 500 books. Here are my current standings:
- Current TBR Shelf: 614 books
- TBR Shelf at end of May: 611 books
- Initial Number in February: 1205 books
You can still join in on these discussions:
Here are some of my favourite posts that I’ve come across the past month:
- Sarah @ Written Word Worlds talks about Religion in YA
- Analee @ Book Snacks lists the various Types of Blog Commenters
I guess I didn’t really blog hop last month! I will remedy that for July!
July 1st was Canada’s 150th birthday and I thought I would pick a Canadian song for my song of the month for June. Everyone knows Chris Hadfield as the Canadian astronaut but he also does music too! This song is pretty Canadian if I do say so myself 😛
Great wrapup ! You read some really good titles this month! : )
Thanks! I didn’t read a whole lot but I definitely read some quality stuff!!
I signed up for the Summer TBR Wipeout too 😀 I’m going to have to put together some sort of pile that I can work my way through. Maybe. Maybe that’s too much organisation for me haha.
I know what you mean, I was setting up my “reading list” the other day for the challenge and it was so hard to pick and choose! I think I might have to just “wing it” for some reads and see what is available at the library when I finish a book.