I am a firm believer that if you aren’t enjoying a book, you should be able to DNF it and not feel guilty about that decision. You aren’t going to enjoy every book you pick (even though we all want to) and there is not shame in that.
>> SERIESous Discussion: DNFing ARCs
I also like to review my DNFs. Some of the most helpful reviews I come across are ones for DNF reads. Now some reviews are just trashing the novel but the ones that look at it critically give me a better idea of what I can expect and help me anticipate if I will enjoy the book or not.
Since 2018, I’ve made it part of my annual yearly review to do a posting blitz of all the books I DNF’d for one reason or another. And I’m bringing it back for 2020!
Now: what is a DNF’d review?
When I look at my numbers for the year, I’ve only DNF’d a small handful of books. These are books I never finished and stopped reading part of the way through. I’m also including some book series that I’ve opted not to finish. What that means is that I likely finished the first book but decided not to read the sequels.
What Reviews are on the Way?
These DNF reviews get a bit of a different review format in comparison. In them, I list what I liked, what I didn’t and if I ever plan on finishing the series. I always find these reviews helpful when I’m deciding whether or not to add a book to my TBR and that’s what I aim for these reviews to do and why I publish them.
Here are the reviews you will see over the next few days (note the links may be “broken” as the reviews aren’t published yet):
I hope you enjoy the reviews I post over the next two weeks! And if you read and enjoyed these books, I would love to get your takes on them! Who knows, maybe I’ll pick them up again!