Single Sundays: Undertow by Alessandra Torre

Single Sundays: While this blog may be focused on reviewing book series as a whole, we can’t forget about the good ole’ standalone novel! On Sundays, I will review a novel that is considered to be a standalone novel. Here is this week’s offering:

Synopsis for Undertow (from Goodreads):
A love triangle that will leave you reeling…
In some ways, I was so ordinary. Waking up in bed with my Paul, my surfer boyfriend, our life filled with sandy toes and tan lines. I stocked books during the day and danced with him to Bob Marley at night.

In other ways, I was unordinary. I’d dust off the sand and step into Stewart’s limousine. Zip up my evening gown and slide into my other life. Champagne and maid service. Orgasms and my businessman.

My life was a tide, pulling me back and forth between the two men. Soothing. Peaceful.

Then the undertow came, pulling my lives together, my men colliding, my breath shortening, arms flaying against the current, my heart breaking in its strength.

I should have known it would never work out.


Author: Alessandra Torre
Genre: Adult, Contemporary, Romance, Suspense
Heat Rating: Toasty
Point of View: First Person, Alternating
Publication Date: November 2013
Source & Format: Kindle Unlimited–eBook


Why I Picked it Up / My Expectations:

I’m not the type of reader to actively seek out love triangles. But this seemed more like a romantic suspense revolving around a love triangle than just a straight up romance as you tried to untangle this messy web of love and relationships.

The Plot:

This is definitely a great book to pick up when you want to read something in one sitting. It was addicting as each chapter built off of the previous, making you want to see what happened next.

While I figured out the major twist early on, I was never really sure if my theory was correct as there was enough misdirection to keep me guessing.

The Characters:

I didn’t think I would like Madison given the fact that she is in the center of a love triangle and I can’t stand characters who can’t make up their minds in that situation. But her character development truly helped me understand her character and I found myself understanding her motives. I don’t have to agree with her decisions, but if I can understand them, I can get behind a character enough to continue to read their story.

The Romance:

It isn’t your everyday romance which made it intriguing to watch unfold.

My Rating: 4/5


A great one-sitting suspenseful book for those who don’t mind reading about the love triangle as a plot device.

Read if You Like: love triangles, suspense
Avoid if You: dislike love triangles, dislike contemporary romance


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