Series Review: Getting Some by Emma Chase

Series Review: Is this series worth your time? Does it get better as the novels progress? Or does it get worse? Find out below:


Synopsis for Getting Schooled (from Goodreads):

Head of the class…

Garrett Daniels has this whole life thing figured out.

The cocky, charismatic former high school star quarterback is an idolized football coach and “cool” teacher in the hometown where he’s not just a golden boy—he’s platinum. He has good friends, a great house on the lake, and the best damn sidekick a man could ask for: Snoopy, the albino beagle.

Then…Callie Carpenter comes home.

And knocks him right on his tight end zone.

Back to school…

Callie has a pretty sweet life herself…on the other side of the country. But circumstances—that she’d prefer to never speak of again—have brought her back home, helping out her parents and substitute teaching at her old high school.

Now she’s facing bickering, raging hormones, constant gossip, awkward weirdness, and drama galore…and that’s just the teachers.

Just like old times…

When Garrett offers to show his former high school sweetheart the secrets of his winning teacher ways, Callie jumps at the chance—and then has to stop herself from jumping him.

Good friends are all they can ever be.

Or…these teachers just might end up getting schooled—hard—by love.


SERIESous’ Top Picks: Must Read Author
Author: Emma Chase
Series: Getting Some

Crosses-over with the Tangled Series in Book #2

# of Books: 3 (Full Reading Order Here)
Book Order: Connected
Complete?: Yes
Genre: Adult, Contemporary, Romance
Heat Rating: Toasty
Point of View: First Person, Alternating
Publication Dates: February 2018 – October 2021
Source & Format: Kobo Plus–eBook


Why I Picked it Up / My Expectations:

If Emma Chase writes it, I read it. This series just sounded so charming and fun when I first read the synopsis. I’m actually a little ashamed it took me as long as it did to read it. But I knew I wanted to binge read it and when I resubscribed to KoboPlus again, this was top priority!

The Plot:

All these novels were just very well rounded. They have great main characters who go through great character development. And the side cast of characters is just as fabulous as well. It’s been a while since I read a “small town romance” series and this reminded me why they can be so great to pickup.

As for the drama: the plotlines are complex enough to not be overly predictable but aren’t overly complicated either. And the romance is just perfection; utilizing some great tropes to bring the stories to the next level.

The Characters:

I liked all these characters a lot! They all have their quirks about them but that makes them entertaining to watch. They made me laugh; cry; swoon — every emotion. But I also like how grounded they all were. I could see these characters’ stories unfolding in real life and I like that realism to their stories.

The Romance:

All the boys bring the charm, let’s just say that. They know how to get a girl. I have to say that the romance in Getting Real (#3) was my favourite simply because it felt like we were actually watching these two fall in love right from the start. Getting Schooled (#1) is a second chance romance of two high school sweethearts so I felt like a lot of their connection was assumed. Getting Played (#2) featured a new couple that had just met, but their book’s trope accelerates everything. Which is why Getting Real (#3) was the best of the series for me. I just adored watching those two fall in love and seeing that relationship becoming something real.

Series Rating: 4/5

Getting Schooled 4/5 | Getting Played 4/5 | Getting Real 5/5


This is a solid series from start to finish! If you enjoy contemporary romances that have substance but focus more on the positive sides of life, this is a great one for you. And I honestly hope that there will be at least one more book in this series!

Read if You Like: second chances, small town romances
Avoid if You: want erotica


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