Tag «blogging life»
SERIESous Tips: How I Track my Reading in Excel
SERIESous Tips: My Excel Post-Scheduling Calendar

I’m highlighting some of the ways I use Excel to help my blogging productivity. Today, I’m sharing my Blogging Calendar! Why I Needed a Blogging Calendar Back in the day when I first started using WordPress for my blog, the posting calendar wouldn’t tell you if a day already had a post scheduled. Which was …
SERIESous Tips: Why you Need to Use Excel for Your Book Blog!
SERIESous Discussion: Getting my Blogging Mojo Back

Getting my Blogging Mojo Back SERIESous Discussions: Every once and awhile I will post my random ramblings about a bookish or blogging topic. Feel free to join in by making a comment below or linking back! I started this blog in April 2013 and that seems absolutely bonkers to me! I can’t believe it has …
Still Here!
It has been a long time since I posted anything. In fact, it has been even longer since I logged into my blog to check up on it! I don’t think I’ve spent this much time away from it except in my first year when I took a brief hiatus for university. But, I’m still …
SERIESous Discussion: A 3 Year Reflection on Self-Hosting my Blog
SERIESous Tips: Post Templates
SERIESous Tips: Book Blogging When on Vacation

Finding the right balance between relaxing and being productive while on vacation isn’t always easy. I’m a huge fan of travelling. I love exploring the world and experiencing new adventures. I’ve been very fortunate to see so many things over the last few years and I always try to go some place new every year. …