Tag «fantasy»

Series Review: Mystic City by Theo Lawrence

Series Review: Is this series worth your time? Does it get better as the novels progress? Or does it get worse? Find out below: Mystic City by Theo Lawrence | Mystic City Series SERIESous’ Top Book Series: Favourite read of 2012 (Mystic City) Series: Mystic City Author: Theo Lawrence # of Books: 3 (Mystic City, Toxic Heart, …

Movie Mondays: The Princess Bride

Movie Mondays: On Mondays, I will review a book series or novel that has been made into a movie. I will then answer the question that everyone asks: which is better, the movie or the book? Here is this week’s offering: Book: The Princess Bride by William Goldman | Movie: The Princess Bride (1987) Which …

Movie Monday: Stardust

Movie Monday: Stardust

Movie Mondays: On Mondays, I will review a book series or novel that has been made into a movie. I will then answer the question that everyone asks: which is better, the movie or the book? Here is this week’s offering: Book: Stardust by Neil Gaiman | Movie: Stardust (2007) Which did I read/see first? …