Tag «monthly features»

SERIESous Discussion: How Long is TOO Long Between Books?

SERIESous Discussions: Every once and awhile I will post my random ramblings about a bookish or blogging topic. Feel free to join in by making a comment below or linking back! Waiting for sequel novels–especially when you pre-ordered the inaugural book and finished it the day it was delivered–can be torturous! We all know that …

Quarterly Inventory: Summer 2016

July-September 2016 I was eagerly awaiting this summer for two reasons: travelling vacations + reading…lots and lots of reading! I got through a LOT of books in July and August thanks to the Make Me Read It Readathon and my free trial of Kindle Unlimited. Couple that with two separate road trips and zero moments of …

Meme-ful Musings: The “Just One More Chapter” Excuse

Meme-ful Musings: The “Just One More Chapter” Excuse

We all have our reading quirks and one of my most compelling is to always stop reading at the end of a chapter (or if it’s one of those books with really long chapters, a page break). I don’t like stopping mid scene because you lose the feel for it as soon as you step away and then you have to reread to get the vibe back. I like stopping at the end of chapters of page breaks because the scene has wrapped up and a new scene is just about to unfold.

Meme-ful Musings: Character Deaths

Meme-ful Musings: Character Deaths

For some people this may be an embarrassing subject and they refuse to talk about it. I know that it is for me because I am definitely one of those people who cry over fictional characters. Whether they are on TV or in books it doesn’t matter: I will cry over their death if they are one of my favourite characters.

Top Ten Tuesdays: Books I Took I Chance On

Top Ten Tuesdays: Is a weekly meme feature hosted by The Broke and the Bookish where bloggers post their Top 10 List for an assigned topic! I will not be participating every week, but I will occasionally take a shot at it! You can always find these lists (past, present and original) on my Riffle …