Tag «reading habits»

SERIESous’ Reading Plan for 2022

SERIESous’ Reading Plan for 2022

2022 Is the All About Staying the Course! Like many people, the last 2 years have been a little rough personally. Last year, my reading plan was to get my reading (and blogging) groove back. Looking back, I would say I had moderate success with that. While I didn’t obtain my GoodReads’ goal for 2021 …

Still Here!

It has been a long time since I posted anything. In fact, it has been even longer since I logged into my blog to check up on it! I don’t think I’ve spent this much time away from it except in my first year when I took a brief hiatus for university. But, I’m still …

SERIESous’ Reading Plan for 2021

SERIESous’ Reading Plan for 2021

2021 Is the All About Getting My Groove Back! Like many people, I went into 2020 with an optimistic frame of mind. I had reduced my Goodread’s Goal for the year to be lower to anticipate a few things like travel and other events, plus my general decline in my reading numbers over the last …

SERIESous Discussions: Book Formats by Month [3]

SERIESous Discussions: Book Formats by Month [3]

SERIESous Discussions: Every once and awhile I will post my random ramblings about a bookish or blogging topic. Feel free to join in by making a comment below or linking back! For the last two years, I’ve been curious about my various reading stats. Like how many books I read in a month throughout the …

SERIESous Discussion: My Reading Habits by Month [3]

SERIESous Discussions: Every once and awhile I will post my random ramblings about a bookish or blogging topic. Feel free to join in by making a comment below or linking back! For the last 2 years I’ve been doing this comparison post to check in with my reading. I always to month-to-month comparison for my …