Single Sundays: The Way of Lessons by Michelle Schlicher

Single Sundays: While this blog may be focused on reviewing book series as a whole, we can’t forget about the good ole’ standalone novel! On Sundays, I will review a novel that is considered to be a standalone novel. Here is this week’s offering:

Synopsis for The Way of Lessons (from Goodreads):
Luca Marin is a third grader and the son of an addict. He doesn’t have much. There’s no one he relies on. Until he meets Xander Davis. Xander is a fourth grader at Easton Elementary and soon earns Luca’s trust to become his friend. As Luca’s mother, Leslie, deals with her addiction, Luca and Xander’s school community is struggling with a hard truth–that Easton is in danger of closing.

Thomas Marshall and Sophia Snow must navigate the halls of Easton along with their fellow teachers as best as they can in the wake of this possibility. While others connected to Easton also become affected by the potential loss, they each face unique challenges of their own.

For many, Easton will become a symbol of hope. For others, it will represent a great loss.

The Way of Lessons reaches into the heart of a community and shows the power of small moments that can make all the difference in a complicated time.;


Author: Michelle Schlicher
Genre: Adult, Contemporary, Realistic Fiction
Heat Rating: N/A
Point of View: Third Person, Multiple
Publication Date: March 13, 2019
Source & Format: Author–eARC | Thank you Michelle Schlicher!


Why I Picked it Up / My Expectations:

I usually don’t go out of my way to read realistic adult fiction but there is just something about Michelle Schlicher’s works that have me coming back again and again. She has a way of making you care about and relate to the characters in her books. I always know when I pickup one her novels that I’m going to get a genuine story that will touch my life in one way or another.

The Concept:

For me, this was an interesting story to read. I loved the setting of the school and how we get the POV from various people in the community. A thing is really only the sum of its parts and that is without a doubt the heart of a school. It’s captured beautifully here.

This is one of those stories where the bigger picture was a little lost on me until the very end. But once I put the pieces together, I was impressed by the purpose of this story. I love Michelle Schlicher’s work for the emotions she can evoke from me when I finish one of her novels.

The Plot:

Even though we only get a brief glimpse into the various characters here, I still found myself absorbed in their lives. I think it’s their realism that draws you in because these characters are people you encounter everyday in your life…or you might be one of them yourself. Regardless, this story emphasizes humanity and the human condition.

The Characters:

I love books with multiple POVs because I love the fuller picture it provides. It’s done in a cool way here with a mix of perspectives and narration styles. Even if we just get a brief glimpse into someone’s life with a short chapter, it adds in a great way to the larger story.

My only negative thought is that perhaps we are introduced to too many people along the way? It got a little hard to keep everyone straight near the end (though I am terrible with names…). But I understand the purpose of the many people we meet.

My Rating: 4/5


Again, I think every reader can relate to this in one way or another thanks to the characters, the setting and the message.

Read if You Like: realistic fiction
Avoid if You: dislike multiple POVs

  • Come This Way by Michelle Schlicher


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