Tag «seriesous discussion»

SERIESous Discussion: Where Do my Books Come From?

SERIESous Discussions: Every once and awhile I will post my random ramblings about a bookish or blogging topic. Feel free to join in by making a comment below or linking back! Do 80% of my books come from the library like I think? I investigate for the truth! I was inspired to do this investigation …

SERIESous Tips: Picking the Perfect Travel Reads

For me, deciding what books to bring on a trip is just as important as figuring out what clothes I’m going to pack. While packing for my big international trip back in September (and with the holidays right around the corner), I thought it would be a great idea to share some of my strategies …

SERIESous Discussion: Not Reporting Assaults in Novels

SERIESous Discussions: Every once and awhile I will post my random ramblings about a bookish or blogging topic. Feel free to join in by making a comment below or linking back! I’m getting real tired of heroines not reporting assaults in novels… It feels like it’s normalizing the situation to me — Lauren (@SERIESousBooks) April …

SERIESous Discussion: Reading Book Purchases ASAP

SERIESous Discussions: Every once and awhile I will post my random ramblings about a bookish or blogging topic. Feel free to join in by making a comment below or linking back! If all the books on my Kobo eReader were physically brought to life, my room would surely look like this: I’ll be the first …