2023: So Close Yet So Far!
I really wanted to get my reading back on track this year. I really wanted to break the 100 books read mark and even set my Goodreads Goal to be a little higher than I should have at 110 books. Much like last year, I really went through spurts of reading again this year. 2023 was really a year focused on travelling and I quickly learned that I don’t read as much as I think I do when I’m on vacation.
One thing I did notice about my reading habits this year is that I prefer to binge read a series. While I read some ongoing releases for blog posts or ARC purposes, I really enjoy going through an entire series all at once. I just find it easier to keep myself immersed in that world rather than trying to remember all the finer details from a novel a read a year before.
> > Check out which books I read this past year HERE!
Here are some other stats of my reading year:
- 13% of books read were standalones
- 60% of books read were eBooks
- 40% of books read were audiobooks
- DNF’d 1 books
- I only read 16 books that I own
- I didn’t complete my Goodreads Goal
- Finished 18 book series (10 of which I started this year)!
As always, I’ve decided to compile a list of my top picks (and not so great) from the various categories that I read this past year. Most categories deal with books published only this past calendar year (2023) but there are some noted exceptions. Click on the cover to read my review of the book/series–if available! Lots of these won’t have reviews until early next year.
Without further ado:
(Books are in no particular order; click on cover for review if available)
Adult Genre:

New Adult Genre:

Young Adult Genre:

Additional Categories: