Tag «top picks»

Year’s Reads in Review – Top Picks for 2022

Year’s Reads in Review – Top Picks for 2022

2022: The Reading Year of Reading Spurts I really struggled to come up with a summary of 2022 because it was such a weird reading year for me! I seemed to go through spurts of reading all the time (usually when I subscribed to a reading service) and then lulls of casually reading (when I …

Year’s Reads in Review – Top Picks for 2017

Year’s Reads in Review – Top Picks for 2017

For me, 2017 was all about reading what I wanted when I wanted to. Two years of attempting to curb my TBR had allowed me to go into 2017 with a more carefree attitude than I was used to. I got more comfortable DNFing books and learning to say no to every book I meet. Audiobooks …

Year’s Reads in Review – Top Picks for 2015

This year has been…very interesting to say the least when it comes to my reading habits. Never before have I focused so much on WHAT and am reading and WHEN! That was all thanks to the various challenges and TBR tackling I did to push myself to read smarter this year. All in all, I think it was a …

Year’s Reads in Review – Top Picks for 2014

When I went to set my Goodreads 2014 Reading Challenge, I honestly didn’t think I was going to read that many books in 2014. I just met my challenge for 2013 and I knew that 2014 was going to be a very busy time for me, so I set my goal a little lower. Oh ye of little faith! …

Year’s Reads in Review – Top Picks for 2013

It has been a great year for books! While I personally didn’t get a chance to read as many books as I had wished, I did make a good dent in my “to-read” list this past year. I also started this blog which has been a lot of fun! Check out which books I read …