Category «Features»

SERIESous Spoilers: The Midnight Star

SERIESous Spoilers: The Midnight Star

SERIESous Spoilers: A feature where we discuss what happened in our favourite (or maybe not so favourite) books. Did you like the plot changes? The romance? What surprised you? What angered you? And what do you think will happen next? This month’s SERIESous Spoilers Pick: The Midnight Star by Marie Lu| The Young Elites Trilogy …

Perfect Match: Winter 2017 Edition

Perfect Match: Winter 2017 Edition

Winter 2017 Edition The Perfect Match: A seasonal feature where I play matchmaker but with books! What happens when you take Book A and combine it with Book B? The answer is Book C! Happy Valentines Day!  For this season’s edition of the perfect match, I thought I would keep it heavy on the romantic side …

Service Review: Kobo Super Points Program

Service Review: Kobo Super Points Program

**This is in no way affiliated with Kobo or Kobo Super Points! It is simply my take on using the service over the last year!** I was really excited when Kobo announced they were starting a rewards program last year. My Kobo is my main eReader; I just use my Kindle for review copies. So when …

SERIESous Tips: So You Wanna Try New Adult?

SERIESous Tips: So You Wanna Try New Adult?

Two years ago, I created a Top Ten Tuesday list for people who wanted to try New Adult reads but were reluctant to do so. It was a long list of some of my favourites, but I’ve read a lot more great books in the last 2 years. So, I’ve decided to update that list, get …

Tackling the TBR: Goodreads Purge 2017

Tackling the TBR: Goodreads Purge 2017

Back in 2015, I did a few posts where I talked about Tackling my TBR. Back then, it was all about curbing my library holds addiction and creating a more manageable reading “schedule”. Each month, I would set goals and/or rules in the hopes of making 2016 an even better year for reading. And it …

SERIESous’ Reading Plan for 2017

SERIESous’ Reading Plan for 2017

2016 was all about reading smarter, not harder. In 2017, I’m getting a touch more flexible with what I read. In 2015 I really looked at my reading habits and decided I didn’t like them. I felt bogged down by all the library holds I had coming in on a regular basis and was requesting …