Tag «memeful musings»

Meme-ful Musings: The “Just One More Chapter” Excuse

Meme-ful Musings: The “Just One More Chapter” Excuse

We all have our reading quirks and one of my most compelling is to always stop reading at the end of a chapter (or if it’s one of those books with really long chapters, a page break). I don’t like stopping mid scene because you lose the feel for it as soon as you step away and then you have to reread to get the vibe back. I like stopping at the end of chapters of page breaks because the scene has wrapped up and a new scene is just about to unfold.

Meme-ful Musings: Character Deaths

Meme-ful Musings: Character Deaths

For some people this may be an embarrassing subject and they refuse to talk about it. I know that it is for me because I am definitely one of those people who cry over fictional characters. Whether they are on TV or in books it doesn’t matter: I will cry over their death if they are one of my favourite characters.

Meme-ful Musings: Book Boyfriends

Meme-ful Musings: At the end of the month I’ll post a book-related meme that I think brings up an interesting discussion about books. Feel free to join in by making a comment below or linking back! (Meme from: somecards.com) For those who don’t know, a book boyfriend is basically a male character in a novel …

Meme-ful Musings: Spoiler Alert

(Meme from: memecrunch.com) When I first decided to create my blog, one of the first things I promised myself to do was write reviews with no spoilers. Up until this point, I was really only using GoodReads to find books–which is not an awful place to start by any means–BUT, people on that site love …

Meme-ful Musings: Critiqued for Your Reading Choices

Meme-ful Musings: At the end of the month I’ll post a book-related meme that I think brings up an interesting discussion about books. Feel free to join in by making a comment below or linking back! (Meme from: https://www.pinterest.com/MSLibraryComm/302232-book-memes/) I honestly just love this meme because I think it describes my reading habits perfectly! There …

Memeful Musings: What is the “Perfect Summer” Read?

Meme-ful Musings: At the end of the month I’ll post a book-related meme that I think brings up an interesting discussion about books. Feel free to join in by making a comment below or linking back! (Meme from: http://www.quickmeme.com/Summer-Reading/) With summer just around the corner, more and more lately I’m starting to see comments on …