Tag «site update»

Monthly Inventory: April 2019

April 2019 I definitely thought April might go a different way for me in terms of reading (ie I would be reading more) but it was pretty par for the course. I was hoping to have more free time during my vacation but I ended up playing navigator so I couldn’t spend my time in …

Site Update: 4th Blog Anniversary?!?!

Site Update: 4th Blog Anniversary?!?!

OK, that’s a super cheesy quote but it totally works! Blogging–while an individual task–is really all about the community. It’s a system of give and take and that’s what makes it such a beautiful thing. I wouldn’t be here 4 years later if it wasn’t for you! I’m pretty notorious for dropping my hobbies after …

Monthly Inventory: April 2015

April 2015 April 30 was the 2 Year Anniversary of my blog (you can read all about it here!) so that was really exciting! I hope everyone likes the new theme and the new review format I will be unveiling over the next few weeks 🙂 I also finished exams a week ago so I …

Monthly Inventory: February 2015

February 2015 It’s a little late I suppose–but it took me a long time to decide if I wanted to do a monthly blog recap. As per my blog resolutions for 2015 I’ve been taking a look at other blogs in the community (which are all great by the way! There are some awesome blogs …

Site Updates: eReading + Updating Reviews

  Greetings readers! You may have noticed that I haven’t had a lot of new blog postings lately. Part of the reason is that I have a full-time job for the summer that drastically reduces my reading time. But the other reason is that I have been hard at work updating previous series reviews (those …

Site Update: Launch of the FINAL Series Recap Page!

After nearly a year of promising to update my blog’s Series Recap section, I have finally managed to add the last set of recaps! Now Series from S-Z can be read! And just in time too as some books featured there have just had new releases in the last two weeks! Now that school is …