Tag «the perfect match»

The Perfect Match: Winter 2018 Edition

The Perfect Match: Winter 2018 Edition

Winter 2018 Edition The Perfect Match: A seasonal feature where I play matchmaker but with books! What happens when you take Book A and combine it with Book B? The answer is Book C! I did a bit of a fail with this feature last year, forgetting to do posts for the summer and fall …

The Perfect Match: Spring 2017

The Perfect Match: Spring 2017

Spring 2017 Edition The Perfect Match: A seasonal feature where I play matchmaker but with books! What happens when you take Book A and combine it with Book B? The answer is Book C! I’m taking a non-contemporary approach this time around and featuring some Science Fiction hybrids in the YA and Adult Fiction universe. …

Perfect Match: Winter 2017 Edition

Perfect Match: Winter 2017 Edition

Winter 2017 Edition The Perfect Match: A seasonal feature where I play matchmaker but with books! What happens when you take Book A and combine it with Book B? The answer is Book C! Happy Valentines Day!  For this season’s edition of the perfect match, I thought I would keep it heavy on the romantic side …

The Perfect Match: Fall 2016 Edition

The Perfect Match: Fall 2016 Edition

Fall 2016 Edition The Perfect Match: A seasonal feature where I play matchmaker but with books! What happens when you take Book A and combine it with Book B? The answer is Book C! Fall is my favourite season. Yes, we do have fall here in Canada. Sometimes, it gets cut a little short by …

The Perfect Match: Winter 2016 Edition

Winter 2016 Edition The Perfect Match: A seasonal feature where I play matchmaker but with books! What happens when you take Book A and combine it with Book B? The answer is Book C! For the new year I’m doling out 3 Young Adult pairings for all genre fans! Why This Match? Take the handsome, mysterious …

The Perfect Match: Fall 2015 Edition

Fall 2015 Edition The Perfect Match: A seasonal feature where I play matchmaker but with books! What happens when you take Book A and combine it with Book B? The answer is Book C! This time I’m giving you one hybrid for all ages: one YA, one NA and one Adult! Why This Match? Charade …

The Perfect Match: Summer 2015 Edition

  summer 2015 Edition The Perfect Match: A seasonal feature where I play matchmaker but with books! What happens when you take Book A and combine it with Book B?  The answer is Book C! Ever since I started officially doing this feature, I’ve been creating book hybrids in my mind every time I read. Once …

The Perfect Match: Spring Edition 2015

Introducing my new Seasonal Feature:   Spring 2015 Edition The Perfect Match: A seasonal feature where I play matchmaker but with books! What happens when you take Book A and combine it with Book B?  The answer is Book C! For as long as I can remember, I have always hybridized celebrities. As in, you …