Tag «monthly inventory»

Monthly Inventory: February 2020

Monthly Inventory: February 2020

February 2020 It might be the shortest month of the year, but I sure packed a lot of reading in this past month! It helped that my work schedule (and some snowy days) allowed me to stay home and curl up on the couch with my many books. This is the last full month I …

Monthly Inventory: January 2020

January 2020 It’s the start of a new decade and new resolutions! I always start with the best intentions and things get put to the wayside. So I’m keeping it simple this year and keeping things both flexible and somewhat generalized. January wasn’t totally the start I wanted for my reading. I got a little …

Monthly Inventory: December 2019

December 2019 What a year 2019 was! There were definitely some highs and lows when it comes to things personal and reading/blogging but overall, it was a year of growth as I shift my life priorities. I reflected back on my monthly recaps for 2019 as I wrote up this summary and they were a …

Monthly Inventory: November 2019

November 2019 I have no idea where this month went! Honestly! I was feeling so good about my reading back in October and then this month just had to go and ruin that momentum. But I did get a lot done even if it wasn’t as much as I wanted (though it is surprisingly better …

Monthly Inventory: October 2019

Monthly Inventory: October 2019

October 2019 For me, October was all about catching-up on books I’ve put off for too long. The first half of the month was dedicated to finishing up my last remaining ARCs; while the latter half was about finishing some sequels I had started in September (or had taken out from the library forever ago). …

Monthly Inventory: September 2019

Monthly Inventory: September 2019

September 2019 In my August Inventory, I mentioned that I kinda felt like I was in a bit of a crisis when it comes to reading and blogging. But September didn’t totally feel the same. Maybe having a purpose or direction (ie reading only sequels) helped me feel like I was getting stuff accomplished even …

Monthly Inventory: August 2019

Monthly Inventory: August 2019

August 2019 Ummm, what happened to the month of August? I feel like it just arrived and now here I am writing up my (dismal) recap of the month. If I thought July was bad for reading and blogging, August had nothing on it. Once again, if audiobooks weren’t an everyday staple for me, my …

Monthly Inventory: July 2019

July 2019 Yesterday at work we were talking about the year is just flying by and WOW, is it ever! This was a weird month for me. I tried to focus on my 5 Year 5 Book Reading Challenge and while I had some success, I also DNF’d three of my selections. That–of course–led to …

Monthly Inventory: June 2019

June 2019 In May, I made a lot of changes when it came to my reading and blogging and June was the first month of trying out this new approach…and it was pretty great! I had a two main tasks I wanted to get done this past month. One: I finished all the ARCs I …

Monthly Inventory: May 2019

Monthly Inventory: May 2019

May 2019 I made lots of changes when it comes to my reading and blogging this month…and it feels pretty great! Here are some of the big changes I made: I am no longer participating in blog tours I unsubscribed from (nearly) all my mailing lists — more in my State of the ARC section …