Tag «monthly inventory»

Monthly Inventory: April 2019

April 2019 I definitely thought April might go a different way for me in terms of reading (ie I would be reading more) but it was pretty par for the course. I was hoping to have more free time during my vacation but I ended up playing navigator so I couldn’t spend my time in …

Monthly Inventory: March 2019

Monthly Inventory: March 2019

March 2019 I’m only 3 months in, but I can tell 2019 is going to be a different sort of year for me. Get ready for a long, reflective post 😛 Compared to previous years, I find I visit my blog only a handful of times during the week to write new posts and do …

Monthly Inventory: February 2019

Monthly Inventory: February 2019

February 2019 Well, it’s no surprise that the shortest month of the year seemed to fly by! For me, February was a weird mix of things. I moved closer to work in January so I’ve been using every spare moment since then unpacking, painting and setting up my ideal living space. I try to read …

Monthly Inventory: January 2019

Monthly Inventory: January 2019

January 2019 Well, what a start to the new year! I’m not sure everything went to plan for me in January but I had a lot of changes this past month and it’s no surprise that my read reflects that. I recently moved closer to work–which has been fantastic with the weather of late (I …

Monthly Inventory: December 2018

December 2018 2018 was quite the year; I don’t know how else to describe it. I had a lot of big life changes along the way and they truly did impact my reading in ways I didn’t expect… I’ve had many hobbies over the years but reading (primarily) and blogging are the ones that have …

Monthly Inventory: November 2018

Monthly Inventory: November 2018

November 2018 It’s crazy to me that we are already in the last month of 2018! Where did the time go?! November wasn’t the best reading month for me (nor writing, I didn’t even attempt NaNoWriMo this year like I usually do). There were definitely days I didn’t even pick up a book; which had …

Monthly Inventory: October 2018

Monthly Inventory: October 2018

October 2018 Like most month’s this year, I feel like October came and went in a flash! Between life, work and vacation, I didn’t get much reading in. (That’s also why this post is happening super later than normal!). It helped my numbers a lot that I read a lot more novellas or shorter novels …

Monthly Inventory: September 2018

Monthly Inventory: September 2018

September 2018 September got off to a very rough start. I nearly DNF’d more books in the first 2 weeks than I did in all of August. So understandably, I felt myself getting into a bit of a reading slump by mid-month. Not fun. Was my crazy work schedule to blame? Was it my plan …

Monthly Inventory: August 2018

Monthly Inventory: August 2018

August 2018 What a jammed packed month this turned out to be! Between readathons and vacations, I had a lot on the go. So August was never a dull month (and if it was, I just DNF’d the book I was reading :P) August was all about my personal TBR list (ie books I own) …

Monthly Inventory: July 2018

Monthly Inventory: July 2018

July 2018 Where did July go?! This month flew by in every way! Whether it was reading, life or work, I feel like the days just melted away in the summer heat. I had a great July when it came to reading. For the first time in a long time, I actually felt in control …