Tag «monthly inventory»

Monthly Inventory: June 2018

Monthly Inventory: June 2018

June 2018 After a very busy May, June seemed like a break in a lot of ways. My main goal for the month was to catch up on ARCs and to read books I already had in my possession. And for the most part, I think I did that. I’m in much better shape now …

Monthly Inventory: May 2018

Monthly Inventory: May 2018

May 2018 Throughout the month of May, I felt like I never read a book for longer than 20 minutes at a time. Books I should have finished in 2-3 days took me over a week (something unheard of for me); ARCs began to pile up (though I was good on my promise not to request more); and I scarcely …

Monthly Inventory: March 2018

Monthly Inventory: March 2018

March 2018 I’ve known March was going to be a weird reading month since late January this year and it definitely lived up to that expectation. As I mentioned in my February Recap post, my “big city” library card from my school days expired mid-February. I did my best to read as many books as …

Monthly Inventory: February 2018

Monthly Inventory: February 2018

February 2018 Looking back at the month of February, I didn’t get everything done that I wanted to. I blame a few key factors. First, the Winter Olympics were on! I’m OBSESSED with the Olympics, and in particular the Winter ones (the Canadian in me likes the ice sports what can I say!). For those …

Monthly Inventory: January 2018

Monthly Inventory: January 2018

January 2018 January was an interesting reading month for me. I created my 2018 Reading Plan so I had a few “to-dos” to accomplish this past month. Did I meet them? Yes for the most part! I did request more ARCs than I anticipated (and set for myself)…oops. I also had to squeeze in a …

Monthly Inventory: December 2017

Monthly Inventory: December 2017

December 2017 Can you believe it’s the end of 2017 already? I know I can’t! This was a year of big changes for me. I (finally) said goodbye to the student life and hello to my career in healthcare. Starting shift work has brought a lot of challenges my way but it has also been …

Monthly Inventory: November 2017

Monthly Inventory: November 2017

November 2017 As I created this post, I struggled with how to describe the month of November. It seems like just yesterday I was plotting out my NaNoWriMo story and writing the first chapter. Overall, I think the best way to describe it all is panicked. Just before my big trip in September, I noticed …

Monthly Inventory: October 2017

Monthly Inventory: October 2017

October 2017 I can’t believe October has come and gone! This month just flew by! It definitely helped that I spent a majority of it on vacation. I managed to get more books in than I expected–and in particular sequels for novels I’ve been putting off for awhile–so I always consider that a positive! My …

Monthly Inventory: September 2017

Monthly Inventory: September 2017

September 2017 This was a weird month. In terms of reading: This wasn’t a very good month, but I always knew that would be the case. I spent half of the month on a much deserved vacation that had me reading only a couple pages every few days. I made up for some of that …