Tag «monthly inventory»

Monthly Inventory: August 2017

August 2017 Where has the summer gone? Normally at this time of year I’d be preparing to head back to school for the umpteenth time like many of you probably are. However, I’ve finally finished school (!) and am a productive member of society and it feels great. Well, most of the time. This August …

Monthly Inventory: July 2017

July 2017 Honestly, this month was a blur! I feel like I was just posting my Canada Day 150 post for my favourite Canadian Authors and here I am, listing everything I did since! And I did a lot! You can find out more below. One of the major highlights was officially scheduling my first …

Monthly Inventory: June 2017

Monthly Inventory: June 2017

June 2017 Was it just me or did June just fly by? I honestly don’t know where the month went! Overall, June was a mixed bag. I more than likely signed myself up for more ARCs to read this summer than I should have (oops). All the library holds I had came in within 3 …

Monthly Inventory: May 2017

Monthly Inventory: May 2017

May 2017 While I’m reading more books than I anticipated, I still feel constantly behind. I think it is because I’m not reading all the books I should be reading. I’ve been a little bogged down by impulsive library borrowing and taking on more review opportunities than I should. But I’m hoping to get back on …

Monthly Inventory: April 2017

Monthly Inventory: April 2017

April 2017 For most of April, I’ll admit that I felt like I was running around with my head cut off. Adjusting to a life of shift work has been challenging to say the least (you can read about my voyage into the world of “adulting” here). I’m hoping things will mellow out in May …

Monthly Inventory: March 2017

Monthly Inventory: March 2017

March 2017 This month has been absolute BANANAS! So little reading, so little blogging and so much work! See, I started my new job this month and even though I will only be working part-time, I have 6 weeks of full time training to complete. Add to that a 2 hour daily commute: it’s been quite …

Monthly Inventory: February 2017

Monthly Inventory: February 2017

February 2017 Last month, I decided to bring back this feature as a monthly post. I’ve updated a lot of what I used to put in these recaps so I hope you enjoy it! February saw the end of my career as a Full-Time Student! It’s been 6.5 long years and I can’t wait to …

Monthly Inventory: January 2017

Monthly Inventory: January 2017

January 2017 It’s BACK! Last year, I tried doing quarterly recaps for the year instead of monthly, citing that monthly recaps took up a lot of my time to format (and I wasn’t sure if people enjoyed reading them). But this year, a lot of my posts have been scheduled months in advance and I …

Quarterly Review: Fall 2016 + 2016 Summary

Quarterly Review: Fall 2016 + 2016 Summary

October – December, 2016 The last quarter of 2016 was an interesting one: I read more books than I anticipated but I DNF’d more books than ever before. Contemplated whether or not I was going to keep my blog as self-hosted which I am for another year at least Changed my theme once again (and …

Quarterly Inventory: Summer 2016

July-September 2016 I was eagerly awaiting this summer for two reasons: travelling vacations + reading…lots and lots of reading! I got through a LOT of books in July and August thanks to the Make Me Read It Readathon and my free trial of Kindle Unlimited. Couple that with two separate road trips and zero moments of …